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Up Coming Horse Shows!

  2025 Jackpot Shows & Series
January-March 2025

Up Coming Horse Shows!
2025 Jackpot Show starts at 11am
Western wear & hat or helmet pending age or SNS shirt with hat or helmet(Jeans and boots are a must no ball caps)
These shows will be payout for all age groups and 3 rider minimum. 70% pay out and $10
Each age division and Open $30. Age divisions will be Youth, Juniors and adults then open. The following events in order will be….
There is an arena fee of $15 and if you pre-register 24 hours prior your fee will be reduced to $10.
No ribbons will be given out.
Arena dragging- We will drag as needed! Pending on our numbers.
We want to keep the show running as fast and smooth as possible.
Exhibitions- We will have exhibitions before each event for $5. There will be a sign up sheet at the show for exhibitions.
Paying- All fees must be paid on the morning of the show and CASH ONLY. Other purchases concessions T-shirts and hoodies can be paid for with cash Venmo or Zelle.
Any questions call or text 678-548-4354
There is full concessions by Incredible concessions. Amazing food snacks and drinks. Come hungry!

 2025 Jackpot Fun Show!!
These shows will be payout for all age groups and 3 rider minimum. 70% pay out and $10 each event. There will be five events including Arena, Texas, Cloverleaf, Poles and Cones. We will also do an Open pay out Poles and Barrels for $30 each. There is an arena fee of $15 and if you pre-register 24 hours prior your fee will be reduced to $10. This helps pay for the arena permit and tractor dragging. Everybody gets a chance to win money. This is a payout for every event of 3 or more in age divisions and 10+ for Open Poles and Barrels. No ribbons will be given out.

  Arena dragging- We will drag as needed! We want to keep the show running as fast and smooth as possible. Exhibitions- We will have open exhibitions for Barrels and Poles only. This is free to those signed up for the class or its $10 for open exhibition and $5 for exhibitions for any other classes.
Paying- All fees must be paid on the morning of the show and CASH ONLY. Other purchases concessions T-shirts and hoodies can be paid for with cash Venmo or Zelle.

Order of events


Junior 12 and under Youth 13-18 Adult 19 and up

Open-All ages You may roll over from age divisions to Open.  

Just coming to Barrels and Poles? We will not start poles & barrels before 1 PM.

Buckle Series
April-September 2025

Those who are doing the buckle series your times will be counted in the point system in addition to payout.  We will continue to do a Buckle series with a 10 point count system however there will be a one time fee of $50 to be in the series. Those who do not opt into the series can ride for fun and money only. Those who are opt in will qualify for both money and buckles. Your points will not be kept unless you opt in. If you do not join till the 2nd or third show your points for the earlier shows will not be counted. Rollovers MUST be put in BEFORE that class starts. There is a 4 show minimum! Age groups are, Junior 12 and under and Youth 18 and under and Adult 19 and over as of January 1st present year. Open is for all ages! All classes are $10 each except for Poles and Barrels Open is $30 each.

There will be six buckles total for Junior Youth and open classes. Belt buckles will be broken into two categories Weave and Barrels.

Barrels-Cloverleaf, Arena and Texas.
Weave-Poles, Cones and Stake race(figure 8).

All series are from April-September and will start at 11am.

Rain out- possible chance of pushing to the following weekend otherwise canceled. In the buckle series, the following show will be double points. Those that are in the series if they are unable to attend the next show, the following show for them will be double points.

The Step N Stone Horse Show Series



The riders at the Step N Stone’s are searching for sponsors for our 2024 horse show series March-August. This is our 4th year of the show series and we have grown each year. In 2020 we averaged  25 riders/ show and believe we will have more participants for 2024. We will have special events at shows throughout the series that encourage community participation for riders and non-riders. Sponsors help cover the costs of individual class awards (trophies/ribbons and prizes), end of the season award, arena costs, etc. Platinum & Gold level sponsors will have a banner (sponsor provided) displayed at each of the shows along with advertisement through announcements at the shows and social media. Any contribution to our show series will be greatly appreciated.

Please review the sponsorship opportunities attached here. We are sure there is a package that will meet your business’ needs and budget. Of course, we can create a special sponsorship for you as well. Please call or email if you are interested and if you have any questions contact us at 678-548-4354

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Level - $500

               -Banner and Flag at each of the shows (We provided)    -Sponsorship announced at the shows

               -Sponsorship listed on social media & on the show sheet

               -Sponsorship printed on the show series’ t-shirt                

Gold Level - $250

               -Banner or Flag at each of the shows (sponsor picks we provide may pay extra for both)

               -Sponsorship announced at the shows

               -Sponsorship listed on the show sheet and on social media

Silver Level -$150

-Sponsorship listed on the show sheet     -Sponsorship announced at shows & listed on social media (Sponsor provides Flag)

Bronze Level - $100

-Sponsorship announced on social media (Sponsor provides Flag)

The Step N Stone

Horse Show Series Sponsor Form

Sponsor information: (please print or type)


Business name (how you’d like it advertised):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                




Sponsorship Information:

Sponsorship level □PLATINUM          □GOLD            □SILVER           □BRONZE      □OTHER

I plan to make this contribution in the form of    □Cash□Check□Paypal□Zelle□Venmo

Acknowledgement Information:

Please use the following name(s) in all acknowledgements:                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Signature:                                                                               Date:                                      

Please make all checks payable to:                                        `Melissa Baker

                                                              2420 John Petree Rd Powder Springs GA         30127